Thursday, May 24, 2018

Detroit: Become Human - Review Thread

Game Information

Game Title: Detroit: Become Human

Platforms: PlayStation 4


Developers: Quantic Dream, SIEA

Review Aggregator:

OpenCritic - 80

Metacritic - 80


3DNews - Иван Бышонкoв - Russian - 8.5 / 10.0

Detroit: Become Human is a great prediction of our nearest future, where rise of the unemployment among humans will be caused by an ever-increasing automation. But most importantly, it's an emotional story about the cruelty of our world, about fighting for freedom — and a price you have to pay to gain it. And the best Quantic Dream game to date.

AngryCentaurGaming - Jeremy Penter - Buy

Areajugones - Cristian M. Villa - Spanish - 9.5 / 10.0

Quantic Dream surpasses everything it has done before with Detroit: Become Human. A huge script allows for a thrilling story to have multiple layers that, at the same time, deal with topics such as slavery, the human condition or the concept of identity. A real masterpiece of the genre.

Ars Technica - Kyle Orland - No Verdict

Try it if you really want to see how hard it is to make branching narrative work on this scale. Otherwise, just catch up on Westworld.

Atomix - Pamela Lima - Spanish - 87 / 100

Despite being too similar to Heavy Rain during its first hours, Detroit: Become Human is an exciting, deep and controversial look to what technology has made of us. David Cage and Quantic Dream made a wonderful story that's completely worth playing.

AusGamers - Steve Farrelly - 7 / 10.0

The problem is our robot horse needs QTEs as well to get going and without enough blue blood, bled by actual gamers, it's a hard task and road to Maple Syrup ahead.

CGMagazine - Bryan Calhoun - 7 / 10.0

Detroit Become Human is a beautiful jig-saw puzzle yet deformed puzzle. The individual parts look pretty, but once you try and piece it together, it all falls apart.

Cheat Code Central - Jenni Lada - 4.5 / 5.0

Detroit: Become Human is a game that can be rather difficult to classify. It usually improves upon the forms of storytelling and gameplay found in Heavy Rain and Beyond: Two Souls, though character movements can still be frustrating and some stories are better than others. It still relies on sensational concepts and topics to get reactions from an audience, with some androids' routes more effectively and tactfully employing them than others. It is a more diverse game, both in terms of the kinds of characters displayed and the sorts of choices people can make. Quantic Dream's formula is evolving, even if it does rely on some of the same crutches.

COGconnected - Erin Castillo - 84 / 100

With amazingly realistic graphics, intense music, rich characters, and a dynamic decision scheme, this action adventure title is enthralling from it's opening scene to the very end, and if you let it, it will take you on a journey to what feels like an entirely different world.

Critical Hit - Umar Bastra - 9 / 10.0

Detroit: Become Human manages to dial back Quantic Dream's usual style of storytelling and instead focus more on the characters and their personal journey resulting in one the most compelling adventure games in recent memory.

Destructoid - Chris Carter - 7 / 10.0

Detroit: Become Human, like most Quantic Dream games, is filled with muddled symbolism and a spark of hope amidst its most interesting universe yet. It doesn't have anything particular new to say, but it delivers in terms of drama, to the point where I started a second playthrough shortly after my first seven hour-ish run. It's flawed, but coherent, which is an upgrade.

Digital Chumps - Eric Layman - 6.5 / 10.0

Detroit: Become Human is evidence that breathtaking production isn't effective camouflage for anemic dialogue and abysmal writing. By co-opting famous racial prejudices and projecting all of them onto society's assimilation of androids, Detroit spoils its power to create convincing drama. The sense of agency and control over its story remains exciting, but archetypal plotting and cosmetic platitudes leave Detroit without much to say about anything.

Digitally Downloaded - Tyler Treese - 2 / 5 stars

Racism and slavery is bad, folks. You can probably figure that out without playing Detroit, and if you can’t then David Cage’s writing isn’t going to change your backwards thinking in any way.

DualShockers - Giuseppe Nelva - 9 / 10.0

Detroit: Become Human may not be perfect, but it's Quantic Dream's masterpiece.

Easy Allies - Daniel Bloodworth - 8.5 / 10.0

The latest cinematic tale from Quantic Dream stands strong on a branching storyline that provides numerous variations based on player choice.

EGM - Michael Goroff - 8.5 / 10.0

Detroit: Become Human is a testament to how far the genre of interactive narrative storytelling has come and, at the same time, how much further it can go. While it might still suffer from some annoying QTE moments and a few narrative speedbumps, it delivers on promises that many other games in this genre make yet fail to keep, especially in how the choices you make can lead to very different experiences down the line.

Eurogamer - Oli Welsh - No Recommendation

Its big themes are glibly handled, though this is still Quantic Dream's most credible and satisfying interactive yarn by far.

Gadgets 360 - Rishi Alwani - 6 / 10

Overall, Detroit: Become Human is a gorgeous game that brings some welcome improvements over Quantic Dream's earlier work, but one that is ultimately flawed due to its predictable plot.

Game Informer - Kimberley Wallace - 8 / 10.0

Despite some shortcomings in its dialogue and plot, Detroit: Become Human tells an engaging story about humanity and technology while allowing your choices to shape the experience

Game Rant - Dalton Cooper - 4 / 5 stars

Detroit: Become Human, the latest game from Heavy Rain developer Quantic Dream, tells an engaging story using some of the best graphics in any video game to date.

Game Revolution - Paul Tamburro - 4 / 5 stars

For those like me who have enjoyed Quantic Dream's games as a guilty pleasure, this is the studio's first release where the story meets its ambition.

Game Volt - Ahmed Hassan - Arabic - 8 / 10.0

Detroit become human is a game of special kind, it will be unfair to compare it to other video games, its a game that dosen't shy away from discussing controversial topics and not by telling you about it but with making you live in it and see it first hand, it's a philosophical game that will make you think about everything you know

Gameblog - Julien Hubert - French - 8 / 10

With Detroit: Become Human, Quantic Dream delivers us without a doubt its most successful title.

GameMAG - Azzy - Russian - 9 / 10

Detroit: Become Human is simply the best Quantic Dream game and best project in interactive movies genre. The game took a step forward in the gameplay department and offered an atmospheric and exciting journey with touching story, bright characters and interesting setting.

GamePro - Nastassja Scherling - German - 80 / 100

A sublime staged future scenario with three gripping stories that are full of freedom of choice and stereotypes.

Gamersky - 不倒翁蜀黍 - 9.3 / 10.0

Detroit: Become human is the most ambitious game Quantic Dream have ever made. It features varied stories, decisive choices, flexible gameplay, and outstanding graphics.

GamesBeat - Dean Takahashi - 88 / 100

Detroit: Become Human is best when it foresees the consequences of our decisions and sets up a clear choice — or a muddy choice. It creates the illusion of the Butterfly Effect, where small actions can lead to big consequences.

GameSpot - Peter Brown - 7 / 10

Detroit: Become Human presents a gripping tale that's occasionally sullied by blatant missteps.

GamesRadar+ - Andy Hartup - 4.5 / 5 stars

Immerse yourself in Detroit's wonderfully realised world, engage with its characters and stories, and you'll love this game.

GameZone - Cade Onder - 9 / 10.0

Detroit: Become Human is the peak of Quantic Dream. It's a culmination of everything the studio has learned by putting an authentic, intimate story that builds gradually into a story of grand proportions while combining fun and engaging gameplay that helps pad out the story.

Gaming Nexus - Randy Kalista - 8.5 / 10.0

This is a transhumanism story for the android set. I devoured every chapter of these artificial intelligences shedding their artifice. And I learned that being human is filled with daily acts of self-sacrifice.

GamingBolt - Aaron Main - 8 / 10.0

Detroit: Become Human has a thrilling story experience, and figuring out what choices make the plot that's right for you is most of the fun. However, some annoying control mechanics crossed with awkward camera functionality, and performance issues stop Detroit: Become Human from reaching greatness.

GamingTrend - Ron Burke - 90 / 100

Detroit: Become Human is a cinematic masterpiece, and easily the best work to date from developer Quantic Dreams. It's gorgeous, sounds beautiful, and the choices made here are impactful and introspective. Better still, the exposed underpinnings encourage repeat playthroughs just to see where all of the rabbit holes go. Come for the storyline, stay for the thought provoking look at a potential near future for mankind, and where AI might fit within it.

God is a Geek - Adam Cook - 5 / 10.0

A cliche-ridden written story that has some decent ideas throughout, but is so bleak it's hard to grow attached to.

Guardian - Oliver Holmes - 4 / 5 stars

The human v android setup is hackneyed, but this choose-your-own-adventure-style descent into a near-future Detroit is served up with spellbinding artistry

Hardcore Gamer - Colin Stevens - 4.5 / 5.0

Detroit is the best possible version of itself.

Hobby Consolas - Daniel Quesada - Spanish - 92 / 100

Even with some little flaws, Detroit is the best game ever created by Quantic Dream. You'll really feel yourself close to the characters. Be ready for your instincts and principles to be tested.

IGN - Lucy O'Brien - 8 / 10.0

Detroit: Become Human is a poignantly pulpy interactive sci-fi drama where your choices can impact events to a greater and more satisfying degree than in most games of this type. Though I wish its story had been handled with a softer touch, especially considering the subtlety that can be conveyed through its tech and performances, its well-written and acted central trio were vital enough to me that I found myself feeling genuine distress when they were in danger and a sense of victory when they triumphed. Most importantly, Detroit offers a multitude of transparent branching paths that entice further playthroughs, and choices have a permanence that raise the stakes throughout.

IGN Italy - Marco Esposto - Italian - 8.9 / 10.0

Detroit: Become Human is a great adventure with multiple choices. Great atmosphere and a story that is all in your hands.

IGN Spain - Juan García - Spanish - 8.8 / 10.0

A great adventure that looks as awesome as it plays with multiple choices that really matter and a compelling history that it's worth your time.

Kotaku - Kirk Hamilton - No Verdict

Detroit tells a story of robots who look and act relatively human, making their way through a nonsense world where everyone, even the humans, doesn't actually look or act human at all. It's a fragmented radio broadcast from a valley within the uncanny valley, so many layers deep in unreality that it could never hope to make it out intact.

Metro GameCentral - GameCentral - 6 / 10

A considerable improvement on Quantic Dreams' previous work, and while the storytelling is still flawed its tale of abused androids feels very human.

NEOsite - Adam Grochocki - Polish - 8.5 / 10.0

David Cage's best title with memorable characters and real consequences of our decisions.

New Game Network - Alex Varankou - 78 / 100

Developer Quantic Dream continues to solidify their pedigree in creating narrative driven cinematic experiences. Aside from a few story and design stumbles, Detroit: Become Human offers an engaging adventure with great presentation, meaningful choices, and plenty of replay value.

Next-Gen Gaming Blog - Ben Ward - 7.5 / 10.0

As an unashamed fan of Quantic Dream's previous output, Detroit: Become Human is a mixed bag. On one hand, there is a continuation of the work that they've done with the previous titles, and they have crafted a wonderfully bleak world with Detroit. While it doesn't quite push the boundaries as much as Heavy Rain, there are some interesting ideas planted in the early stages of the story that never blossom fully, but still gives a somewhat satisfying conclusion, regardless of how you decide to play. On the other hand, the occasionally frustrating control issues and borderline laughable moments in the script made me shake my head on more than one occasion. It's a real shame, because there is an absolutely brilliant game tucked away somewhere in here. As it stands, it's only going to be great if you're willing to look past the obvious inherent flaws.

Oyungezer Online - Utku Çakır - Turkish - 7 / 10.0

If you are a fan of the kind of gameplay mechanics Quantic Dream puts out, Detroit is more than capable enough to satify your thirst. But David Cage's latest game fails to tell a coherent and captivating story. It doesn't or can't answer the questions it puts forward.

Paste Magazine - Garrett Martin - 6.7 / 10.0

Cage's ambitions might eventually overreach into bad taste, but even then Detroit still pulls off what every previous Cage game has failed to do. It tells a coherent, occasionally thought-provoking story that unites the interaction of videogames with the language of film. - Paul James - No Verdict

Though not perfect, Detroit: Become Human is certainly Quantic Dream’s boldest attempt yet, and the refinements they’ve made make for a smoother, more enjoyable experience. Detroit is bursting with personality, full of intrigue, and exploding with emotive depth. The many mechanical and performance issues that have plagued past games have now largely evaporated allowing for you to truly immerse yourself in one of the great narrative adventures of 2018.

PlayStation LifeStyle - Chandler Wood - 8.5 / 10.0

Some games allow us to escape reality, and some force us to take a long hard look at it. Detroit: Become Human is one of those games that straddles the border between entertainment and reality.

PlayStation Universe - Neil Bolt - 8 / 10.0

Quantic Dream has delivered its most consistently focused game to date with Detroit Become Human. It does suffer for some ham-fisted allegory and a couple of instances of appallingly mawkish dialogue, but that never overwhelms the overall enjoyment you get from its entertaining branching narrative. The story is not the most subtle, nor nuanced, take on discrimination, slavery, and machine self-awareness you'll find, but it is often surprisingly poignant and touching when Cage and his team nail the blend of video game and cinematic experience.

PowerUp! - Leo Stevenson - 9 / 10.0

Detroit's weighty themes could have been its undoing, but somehow David Cage has written a nuanced, thoughtful script that delivers on its promise.

Detroit Become Human is a must play and an absolute work of art.

Press Start - Brodie Gibbons - 9 / 10

Detroit: Become Human is without a shadow of a doubt, David Cage's best work. After almost a handful of failings, Detroit: Become Human showcases what David Cage is capable of as both a writer and a director. He isn't shy about tackling taboo topics, regardless of the backlash, and it pays off here in what is a stunning story of overcoming oppression.

Push Square - Sammy Barker - 7 / 10

Detroit: Become Human is vintage Quantic Dream, delivering a multifaceted choose-your-own-adventure that's both ambitious and somewhat of an acquired taste.

SA Gamer - Dawid Venter - 8 / 10.0

Three androids will set you on an adventure that'll have you questioning humanity, their circumstances and yourself. Its cinematic presentation is as precise as expected, but the new flowchart is going to have you come back for more to see all the various endings you can unlock. If you enjoyed Heavy Rain you are going to love this. - Tom�� Kun�k - 8.5 / 10.0

Quantic Dreams and David Cage brings us into the future where androids walk alongside humans. And everything depends on the choices you make.

Shacknews - Bill Lavoy - 9 / 10

What makes Detroit: Become Human a great game, though, is that even after going back through alternate narrative branches and winding down my play time, I'm still invested. The world that Quantic Dream gave me to explore is only a short leap from the one we're living in now, and the ideas presented have left me contemplating the role AI could play in our lives sooner rather than later.

Sirus Gaming - May Alturas - 9.5 / 10.0

Detroit: Become Human clearly lets my genuine emotion out of me, I wasn’t sure if I was impersonating how the character should have chosen or was it me doing those choices? A lot of those dialogues resonated with me, fighting and arguing over what I should’ve decided. I was so invested in the gameplay that every decision tends to get harder and harder – with an outcome that is so unforgiving and sometimes gratifying. This game is a twisted interpretation of an extreme reality: where segregation, racial discrimination, slavery and mental abuse still exists. I truly believe that a lot of people can identify themselves with the character at some point for so many different reasons and it shows us that wrong decisions are sometimes necessary to get the job done. The algorithm in coming up with those intricate flowchart is a masterpiece on its own. So who says you can’t learn a thing or two in a video game? It even showed me how to become more human. Don’t you agree?

Slant Magazine - Justin Clark - 2.5 / 5 stars

It bares itself emotionally but shines a harsh, unflattering light on David Cage's deficiencies as a storyteller.

Spaziogames - Filippo Consalvo - Italian - 9 / 10.0

Detroit Become Human is a game so ambitious, that it can be considered brave to put the player in deeply emotional situations. It's not forgiving, and the coices are so many that you won't be free from sacrifice and pain. In a modern scene full of multiplayer stuff, going back to narrative is something we can't appreciate.

The A.V. Club - William Hughes - No Verdict

Like all of Quantic's games, Detroit is a big, stupid swing for the fences, yet another attempt to get Cage's dream of "playable movies" off the ground. Skeptics of the studio's previous games won't be convinced, but there are plenty of small improvements that make it Quantic's best offering to date

TheSixthAxis - Tuffcub - 9 / 10

Detroit: Become Human really is like sitting down and playing a TV box set. It's a technical masterpiece on PS4 with movie quality sound, lighting and camera work, which is backed up by some top quality action and a wonderfully evocative score. Detroit really worked for me; I was gripped by the story and connected with the characters, but I think some players may have a hard time relating to Kara, Markus, and Connor. That's to be expected. After all, we're only human.

TrueGaming - حسين الموسى - Arabic - 9 / 10.0

The mix of strong storytelling, great acting and dreamy music led to a grand tale of epic proportions. it is hard to imagine how far video games have come and how much emotions they can invoke.

TrustedReviews - Jordan King - 3.5 / 5 stars

Detroit: Become Human is complicated. It's a technological marvel with great performances and an entertaining narrative at its core. Kara, Connor and Markus are all given enough room to breathe as characters that you feel connected to all of them. I cared about where their stories would end.

Twinfinite - Yamilia Avendano - 4.5 / 5.0

In any case, I don't know why exactly Quantic Dream finally made a game I loved (as in, why it took them so long), but as a fan of Until Dawn and The Walking Dead, I'm glad I can actually add a third game to my favorites for this genre. Maybe it's because all of the characters are supposed to be robots so you're force-fed story and juxtaposition through analysis, making it easy from a writing perspective.

USgamer - Mike Williams - 3.5 / 5 stars

Detroit: Become Human improves upon its predecessors by having a cast that you enjoy and want to spend more time around. Quantic Dream's visual craft and presentation is top-notch, but the writing hasn't quite caught up yet. It isn't subtle and some of the references to social ills are amazingly on-the-nose instead of being more unique. It's better than Beyond: Two Souls, but there's still room to grow.

VG247 - Sam Greer - No Verdict

The story never finds its footing, its characters never feel fully realised, and as a game, all you're left with are tiresome quick time events and awkward controls, through linear corridors with tedious puzzles.

VGN - Giovanni Marrelli - Italian - 9 / 10.0

Detroit: Become Human is the best adventure ever created by Quantic Dream, thanks to a rich and complex story that really changes and adapts to every choice you make, allowing you to explore different paths by using the integrated storyflow, from which you can load a single checkpoint and make different choices.

Video Chums - A.J. Maciejewski - 8.5 / 10.0

Even with its flaws, Detroit: Become Human marks a monumental moment in story-driven gaming.

VideoGamer - Colm Ahern - 4 / 10

Detroit: Become Human wants to move you. It wants to elicit an emotional response through its story. The thing is, it really doesn't. The flowchart is a nice inclusion and adds some variance, but when the narrative is as cringey and ham-fisted as it is you won't want to play through it multiple times.

Wccftech - Kai Powell - 8.5 / 10.0

There are some great story paths to Detroit: Become Human that can lead to different outcomes, but it's still a Quantic Dream game through and through. Expect a convoluted story that reveals itself through repeated playthroughs, characters that you grow attached to and fear to lose, and enough QTE-driven fights to make your thumbs bleed.

We Got This Covered - Shaan Joshi - 4.5 / 5 stars

Despite a few storytelling shortfalls, Detroit: Become Human is stylish and slick from start to finish, and is easily Quantic Dream's best work to date.

WellPlayed - Kieran Stockton - 9 / 10.0

What Detroit: Become Human lacks in high concept philosophical musings is more than made up for in the genuine emotional connection to its world and characters buoyed by incredible performances and slick production values

Worth Playing - Redmond Carolipio - 8.5 / 10.0

I am still working to unlock floating branches on this Yggdrasil of a story tree, so I'm almost certain there are dark corners of this world that will give me more of what I'm looking for. The concept of self-aware robotic people has been explored for decades, and Detroit: Become Human makes sure you have plenty of reasons to explore it for at least more than a few hours. After all, the story, much like Chloe, shows plenty of life.

Submitted May 24, 2018 at 06:59PM by falconbox

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